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|  Website Use and Privacy  |

By viewing or visiting this website, you hereby indicate acceptance to the following terms of the privacy policy.  If you do not agree to these terms, you are not authorized to use this website.


|  General Disclaimer  |

The information provided on Under Lock & Kei LLC. are for informational purposes only. Under Lock & Kei LLC. does not operate as an advice-giving entity, nor should it be perceived as so.  The information provided on this site including blog posts, feature stories, press releases, and any other written form of information are solely for informative purposes only.


|  Third Party Information Disclaimer  |

This site may include links to third party sites and sources in which Under Lock & Kei LLC. is not held responsible, nor control. Therefore, Under Lock & Kei LLC. will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the content posted on third party sites, and does not assume liability for the third party content.


|  Copyright & Trademark Disclaimer  |

Information provided on this website, including but not limited to, creative content, blog posts, feature stories, news/press releases, photographs, designs, text, logos, services, personal opinions, strategies, and this website in totality, are considered "Protected Information" and are the property of Under Lock & Kei, LLC.


|  Privacy Policy  |

Your privacy is important to us. Any information collected on this site will not be sold to any third party or shared without your consent. Under Lock & Kei  LLC. does not collect any personal identifying information, which includes but not limited to (legal name and email address) except when you (the visitor) knowingly consent to sharing your information when subscribing to the Under Lock & Kei LLC. mailing list, or willingly requesting to be contacted. Under Lock & Kei LLC. may, in general use, collect basic information from your computer or device in use, through site "cookies" in which Under Lock & Kei LLC. does not control. This website contains links to other sites, which Under Lock & Kei LLC. is not held accountable for the privacy policies set forth by those third-party websites.


|  Introduction  |

This website's Terms and Conditions shall serve as the governing entity to obey when using this site. These terms and conditions apply to all forms of content, information and actions taken on all pages within this site. By viewing or visiting this website, you hereby indicate acceptance to these  terms and conditions.  If you do not agree to these terms, you are not authorized to use this website. This site may not be used by minors, which is defined as individuals who are not at least 18 years of age.


|  Intellectual Property Rights  |

Aside from content you own and have opted into knowingly sharing, including personal name and email address when subscribing to this site's updates,Under Lock & Kei LLC. owns all rights to the intellectual property on this site, in which all rights are reserved.


|  Restrictions  |

Visitors of this site (including you, the viewer) are restricted from the following: publishing any information or content including (creative content, blog posts, feature stories, news/press releases, photographs, designs, text, logos, services, personal opinions, strategies) without the sole consent or any attribute to Under Lock & Kei LLC. is prohibited.


Restrictions also include, but are not limited to, the selling and/or commercializing of information and other forms of content on this site, presenting information and/or content posted on this site that is publicly damaging to this site, users, site owner, and the reputation of Under Lock & Kei LLC.,unauthorized access to controlling this site and/or posting content of any kind is harmful in any way to site users, site owners, individual persons or business, the harvesting, collecting, and unauthorized use in relation to this website, the use of content or other forms of information on this site in any advertising or marketing. 


|  Your Content  |

Under these terms and conditions, "Your Content" refers to the videos, pictures, text, or audio you knowingly authorize (either verbally or non-verbally) for Under Lock & Kei LLC. to present, distribute, advertise, or market with no expectation to receive royalties, dividends, or other forms of monies in return. 


|  Warranties  |

Under no circumstances shall this site act as an advice-giving entity and shall not be perceived as such. 


|  Indemnification  |

In the event of any cause to harm this site, you hereby indemnify Under Lock & Kei LLC. 


|  Variation of Terms  |

Under Lock & Kei LLC. is permitted to alter or update these terms and conditions at any time. You (the site visitor) are subject to view these terms and conditions to remain knowledge and aware of any changes at our own accord.


|  Entire Agreement  |

This entire terms and conditions are hereby agreed upon between Under Lock & Kei LLC. and you (the site visitor). By viewing or visiting this site, you (the site visitor) indicate that you agree to the entire terms and conditions on this site.


|  Governing Law & Jurisdiction  |

The terms on this site will be governed in accordance to the laws of the State of Maryland. Illegal use of this website shall be held in jurisdiction of either state or federal courts in the State of Maryland should there be any legal disputes.

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